Poultry Production and Management

Posted On: August 13, 2024

By Anderson Maina

Enhancing Feed Utility in Kenyan Poultry Farms: The Role of Commercial Enzymes

Poultry farming in Kenya is crucial for providing protein and livelihoods. Still, it faces significant challenges due to the high cost and inefficiency of feed, which constitutes up to 70% of production costs. Recent surges in feed prices have forced many farmers to reduce production, leading to higher prices and scarcity of poultry products. Commercial enzymes offer a solution by improving feed efficiency, enhancing nutrient absorption, and reducing costs. Despite some challenges, such as the cost of enzymes, their use is increasingly vital in sustaining poultry farming in Kenya, especially during times of feed scarcity.

Poultry farming is a cornerstone of Kenya's agricultural landscape, providing millions with essential protein sources and livelihoods. However, one of the major challenges facing poultry farmers across the country is the rising cost and efficiency of feed. For instance, between 2022 and 2023, the cost of poultry feed surged by 31% within just six months, jumping from KES 3,200 in June 2022 to KES 4,200 per 50-kilogram bag by January 2023. This sharp increase forced many farmers to reduce their stock, as maintaining previous production levels became unsustainable. Similarly, during 2020-2021, rising maize prices, a critical component of poultry feed, further escalated feed costs, significantly impacting poultry production. Intense struggles marked these periods as farmers grappled with the soaring costs of keeping their businesses afloat. Consequently, the reduced poultry output led to a scarcity of products in the market, driving up the prices of eggs, chicken meat, and other poultry items. This strained household budgets and negatively affected nutrition levels, particularly in lower-income communities where poultry products are a vital source of affordable protein.

Given that feed represents up to 70% of total production costs in poultry farming, inefficiencies in feed utilization can result in substantial economic losses. In the face of rising feed prices and scarcity, commercial enzymes offer a promising solution to enhance feed utility and boost the productivity of Kenyan poultry farms.

Understanding the Problem: Feed Efficiency in Poultry Farming

The nutritional value of poultry feed is determined by its composition, which typically includes grains, proteins, and various additives to ensure a balanced diet. However, the nutritional components of these feed ingredients are not always fully accessible to the birds. Factors such as anti-nutritional substances, fibrous content, and indigestible components can limit the availability of nutrients, reducing feed efficiency and overall poultry performance.

In Kenya, the quality of feed ingredients can vary significantly due to local production conditions and supply chain challenges. This variability further exacerbates feed inefficiency, leading to suboptimal growth rates, lower egg production, and increased feed costs.

The Role of Commercial Enzymes

Commercial enzymes are biological catalysts that enhance the digestion of feed ingredients, allowing poultry to extract more nutrients from their diet. These enzymes target specific feed components, breaking them into simpler, more digestible forms. The most commonly used enzymes in poultry feed include:

  1. Phytase: Phytase breaks down phytate, a form of phosphorus that is indigestible by poultry. By releasing bound phosphorus, phytase improves phosphorus utilization and reduces the need for inorganic phosphorus supplements, lowering feed costs.
  2. Xylanase and Beta-Glucanase: These enzymes target non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) like arabinoxylans and beta-glucans, which are found in grains such as wheat, barley, and corn. NSPs are resistant to digestion, and their presence can reduce feed efficiency. Xylanase and beta-glucanase help break down these complex carbohydrates, improving nutrient absorption and reducing the viscosity of intestinal contents.
  3. Protease: Protease enzymes enhance the digestion of proteins in the feed. This is particularly important in diets with high soybean meal content, where anti-nutritional factors can inhibit protein digestion. Protease enzymes can improve protein availability and improve growth rates and feed conversion ratios.
  4. Amylase: Amylase aids in breaking starches into simpler sugars, making them more accessible for absorption. This is particularly beneficial in diets that rely heavily on corn or other starchy grains.

Benefits of Enzyme Supplementation in Kenyan Poultry Farms

  1. Improved Feed Efficiency: Commercial enzymes allow poultry to extract more nutrients from their feed by breaking down complex molecules and anti-nutritional factors. This leads to better growth rates, higher egg production, and improved overall bird health.
  2. Cost Reduction: Enzyme supplementation can reduce the need for expensive feed additives such as inorganic phosphorus and synthetic amino acids. Additionally, farmers can reduce their reliance on imported, high-cost feed ingredients by improving the digestibility of locally available feed ingredients.
  3. Environmental Sustainability: Enhanced nutrient absorption means less undigested material is excreted in the manure. This can reduce environmental pollution, particularly regarding nitrogen and phosphorus runoff, which are significant concerns in intensive poultry farming.
  4. Adaptability to Local Feed Ingredients: Enzyme supplementation is particularly valuable in regions where feed ingredient quality varies. Enzymes allow farmers to make better use of locally available resources by improving the digestibility of fibrous and variable-quality feed components.

The Role of Enzymes During Feed Scarcity

Feed scarcity is a growing concern in Kenya, driven by erratic weather patterns, supply chain instabilities, and competition for feed ingredients between human food and animal feed industries. During times of scarcity, the cost of feed ingredients can skyrocket, and the quality of available feed can decline. In such circumstances, the use of commercial enzymes becomes even more crucial.

  1. Maximizing Nutrient Utilization: When feed is scarce, it's imperative to extract every possible nutrient from the available ingredients. Enzymes play a vital role in ensuring that birds can fully digest and absorb the nutrients in their feed, thereby improving feed efficiency and reducing the feed required to maintain productivity.
  2. Reducing Dependence on High-Cost Ingredients: Enzymes allow poultry farmers to utilize a wider range of feed ingredients, including those that are less expensive or considered by-products. Enzymes can use alternative feed ingredients without compromising bird health or performance by breaking down anti-nutritional factors and improving digestibility.
  3. Environmental and Economic Sustainability: Enzymes help reduce the environmental impact of poultry farming by decreasing the excretion of undigested nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which can contribute to pollution. Additionally, by improving feed efficiency, enzymes can lower the overall cost of production, making poultry farming more economically sustainable in the long term.

Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits of enzyme supplementation are clear, there are challenges to consider. The cost of commercial enzymes can be a barrier for small-scale farmers, especially those operating on tight margins. Additionally, the effectiveness of enzyme supplementation depends on the specific composition of the feed and the conditions under which the poultry are raised. Therefore, it is essential for farmers to receive proper guidance on enzyme selection and application to maximize the benefits.


The integration of commercial enzymes into poultry feed is not just a scientific advancement—it is a practical and necessary strategy for Kenyan poultry farmers facing the challenges of feed scarcity. By enhancing nutrient digestibility, reducing the need for costly supplements, and allowing the use of alternative ingredients, enzymes provide a way to optimize feed utility and maintain poultry productivity even in the most challenging times. As the demand for poultry products continues to grow across the country, the role of enzymes in ensuring a stable, efficient, and sustainable poultry industry cannot be overstated.

By embracing enzyme supplementation, Kenyan poultry farmers can unlock the full potential of their feed, ensuring healthier flocks, higher yields, and more resilient farming operations.